Inlays and onlays in Huddersfield

If you have a larger cavity than is usually treatable with a filling, your dentist might recommend an inlay or onlay. These are usually used to build up substantial areas of damage, particularly that which occurs in the back teeth. An inlay protects the inside surfaces of your tooth whereas an onlay is placed outside it.

Long lasting protection

Inlays and onlays are made from porcelain or from a composite blend similar to that used for white fillings. These materials protect your existing tooth, give a strong and durable repair, and offer an aesthetically pleasing solution. Each inlay or onlay is individually crafted in a dental laboratory from dental impressions taken by your dentist. Inlays and onlays can also be used to replace existing unsightly amalgam fillings. Your dentist will be happy to discuss any concerns and suggest a suitable treatment plan.

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Getting in touch

For more information about inlays & onlays or to book an appointment please choose one of the following options.

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